
Google Results Malware Warning

Google is getting more aggressive about their badware warnings. Previously, they only warned when you clicked on a page from the results (if the site in question was determined to contain spyware or similar stuff). Now, they also include a link right below the result page’s title, reading “This site may harm your computer.” You can check this for yourself by searching for e.g. crack spider.

This change has been rolled out for other languages too. It’s interesting to note that Google, who already knows a site contains badware when they display the warning, still keeps the page in the results instead of e.g. googleaxing it out of the top ranks (like they do with SEO spam).

Now, I propose a lil game: find the one super-spammy query that returns the most “harmful” results in the top 10 – each unique domain adds 1 point (so the site operator won’t help). How many points can you score?

From: http://blog.outer-court.com/archive/2007-02-13-n46.html
Links: Google搜索结果中的恶意软件警告
Google Adds Malware Warnings
Google Malware Warning Could Hit Your Web Search

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